Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Day 1, I am somehow still sane...

I was sitting here trying to do my homework and i decided that i wanted to start writing things down so when my soldier husband has internet access he and our families can see whats going on. Ive been in a military family my whole life and i thought it would be a good idea to document as we go on through his career and moving from place to place and the changes we make. I think it will be really therapeutic to write how I'm feeling or how the day is going since i don't have someone to talk to about my day every night like i used to before he left ( november 9, 2009).

I leave in a week to go see Wazi (husband) at his basic training graduation. I am so excited not much has been getting me down this week and i sort of like this outlook on life, who knew i could be glass half full sometimes. Half of my family and his parents will be there to celebrate and cheer him on before he leaves the next day for his secondary training at AIT which will be for 6 whole months, but at least i might be able to move to where he is once i graduate college this May. I am just excited that when he is in AIT i will be able to talk to him every night on the phone and fly down to visit him at least once a month if i want to, it would be nice to get a little retreat away from daily life for awhile and just catch up with eachother and whats important to us. Since we have only been married since July its hard to be newlyweds 3,000 miles apart and without phones or internet for the last 3 months, its a little frustrating. I miss my husband, but somehow i feel like we are connecting more and more since we have only had communication through hand written letters, its really getting out some true emotion that i probably never would have seen if i saw him everyday.

well i have school in the morning and a large sum of homework which i have procrastinated against this week to do. 8 days and a wake up until graduation!


  1. Oh girl the military is a wild ride! jon and i got married in July 08 and then spent our first year apart because he was deployed to Iraq. What is Wazi going to AIT for?

  2. I miss you girly! When are you coming back up here?

    Jessica Price

  3. Wazi is a 25S which is satelite communications and maintainance. I am hoping that means he gets to sit behind a desk in the united states instead of being deployed or at least getting to go with him somewhere.

    Jess- I was going to try to come back up in May but it all depends on if I am able to move or not, I definately miss home tho.
