So when I got groceries last week or two weeks ago I decided that I wasnt going to buy any snacks, unless they were a little on the healthy side. I also sorta gave up dairy in the traditional sense to see if I could get my skin back on track. I had beautiful skin and complection growing up, and then I moved and got married and bam my skin sucks. So I tried not eating dairy for a week (who knew butter was dairy? lol I know that sounds dumb) and my face started getting better. So now I am on to Almond milk and hoping that it wont tear my insides up. I would love to give up cheese but it has a hold on my heart. I eat limited amounts of cheese, like once a day, and then I can still enjoy the taste. Ive been doing really good and drinking spinach smoothies every other day and forcing myself to drink a litre or more of water a day and eating healthy.
I basically just wanted to brag about how awesome I am eating and what I made myself for lunch today. I had a cup of tea, a grilled ham and cheese sandwich, and a homemade salad. The other day I had a bowl of beef stew, and a spinach and banana/strawberry smoothie. I am fricken awesome.
Hopefully I can keep this up for the rest of the summer so it becomes habit and I look somewhat attractive when I fly home to visit my mom and go to my college roomies wedding. I am really excited to see everyone, but it has been so long since I have been home that it is hard to seperate things I miss about America, and then ruining it with the reality of America. Well thats another story. I pretty much just dont want my princess story of how great home is to be ruined by showing up home. But I am excited to be home and get to drink starbucks and eat sonics :).
My day to day life as an Army wife living out our first few years of being married. Also included in the new life is the dogs, Spoticus and Duke, our families, where we will be traveling on our new life adventure, Books I cant stop drooling over, random recipes I cant live without, and of course everything but the kitchen sink.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Aguirre's travel to Luxembourg
I really love the life I have been given, really I do. But it is difficult to live far away from home for a long time. This is the longest I have ever lived away from my family, only seeing them once a year. Waz hasnt seen his home town in 2 years. Anyways thats my sad beginning about missing my family and missing home.
So our travels lately. We went to Luxembourg this weekend. ( its the only country that is completely touching 4 other countries and its west of Germany.) We just got in the car with a packed lunch and hit the road. We saw how awesome it is that in Europe many of the borders are open so I can just take a weekend trip in my car wherever I want with my international drivers license. So at the moment I have been to Germany, the Netherlands, France, and a little bit of Austria. Im almost done with my visiting western Europe countries collection lol.

Here are the pictures from our trip. We saw the military cemetery where Genereal Patton is buried. Waz and I love military/ WWII history so it was a treat to be able to go by and pay our respects to someone who was so influencial in the war. Plus we walked by each grave and found a medal of honor winner in there too so it was a joy for us, but very humbling.
This was in the city center and its beautiful so I took a picture.
Anywho that was our vacation day for now. We will be in Berlin next month but now that school is out I will be updated a bunch more that arent just travel related.
So our travels lately. We went to Luxembourg this weekend. ( its the only country that is completely touching 4 other countries and its west of Germany.) We just got in the car with a packed lunch and hit the road. We saw how awesome it is that in Europe many of the borders are open so I can just take a weekend trip in my car wherever I want with my international drivers license. So at the moment I have been to Germany, the Netherlands, France, and a little bit of Austria. Im almost done with my visiting western Europe countries collection lol.
Here are the pictures from our trip. We saw the military cemetery where Genereal Patton is buried. Waz and I love military/ WWII history so it was a treat to be able to go by and pay our respects to someone who was so influencial in the war. Plus we walked by each grave and found a medal of honor winner in there too so it was a joy for us, but very humbling.
Then we decided to walk through town to see the sites and we heard a marching band so we chased it down the street so I could get a picture lol.
This was in the city center and its beautiful so I took a picture.
Notre Dame cathedral
The palace! The Royal family was there so we couldnt go in but there is an armed guard who so kindly guards the palace.
Wazi and his picture with the guard. Pretty much as close as he was going to get. We sat across the street at a chocolate cafe and ate soup with a chocolate milkshake while we watched the changing of the guards. It was an awesome sight to see.
This is the view from the casemates (caves sort of) and the city view is so beautiful it made it worth it. I love how they incorporated old world with new. They are like the banking capital of Europe so they have a ton of modern stuff directly behind where I was taking this picture. It is so sleek and beautiful. And the people speak French which made me happy.
Anywho that was our vacation day for now. We will be in Berlin next month but now that school is out I will be updated a bunch more that arent just travel related.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Schools out Kids!!!
So I am now a free agent, well mostly. The school year is over and although I will miss my little buddies I am really excited to have a break and catch up on everything that I have fallen behind on. Like picture taking, traveling, online tv shows, girl friend chat time, and finally going home! Oh and the 3 paperbacks sitting on my bedside table and bookshelves and my kindle is overflowing. Everytime I look on amazon or a bookstore I grab two more books. I may be an addict. Anyways speaking of books let me wrap up the books Ive read recently.

I lovedddddd this book, it was so good and funny and added perks and behind the scenes stuff that I really enjoyed.

This is the 9th book in my 10 book vampire series. Ive made it this far and it is a great series but Im getting frustrated that book 10 doesnt come out until October and Im not really happy about waiting so many months to read up again.

So I love everything about Jen Lancaster and she delivered with this book. I love how she can make me laugh while on an airplane or on the beach, and considering I took it to Spain I finished it before I came home.

Well Im a Harry Potter nut and I had to read everything I could get my hands on. It is the background of the fairytales that run throughout the HP books and movies. It was nice to knwo some background, too bad the book isnt very big or else I wouldnt have finished it in a few days.

So I joined a bookclub (cause Im a BA) and this was the first book. Holy mother of Mary I cried so hard I had snotted and cried through my Tshirt and pillow. I read it in 3 hours it was so great. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes a great book with twists and turns at the end. Ugh its such a great book!!!
So If you lost count I have read 6 books since the beginning of May. Its only the second week of June. I seriously love reading, and I clearly have no social life lol.
I have so many tv shows and coffee dates and hopefully trips to the shooting range to do that my head may explode. Of course tomorrow Im babysitting my favorite babygirl Aliyah, but after that I am going to be staying up all night and drinking and watching true blood. Yay I am so happy like a kid getting out of school when you are in elementary school and you eat twinkies and play sega all summer. So cheers to summer!
I lovedddddd this book, it was so good and funny and added perks and behind the scenes stuff that I really enjoyed.
This is the 9th book in my 10 book vampire series. Ive made it this far and it is a great series but Im getting frustrated that book 10 doesnt come out until October and Im not really happy about waiting so many months to read up again.
So I love everything about Jen Lancaster and she delivered with this book. I love how she can make me laugh while on an airplane or on the beach, and considering I took it to Spain I finished it before I came home.
Well Im a Harry Potter nut and I had to read everything I could get my hands on. It is the background of the fairytales that run throughout the HP books and movies. It was nice to knwo some background, too bad the book isnt very big or else I wouldnt have finished it in a few days.
So I joined a bookclub (cause Im a BA) and this was the first book. Holy mother of Mary I cried so hard I had snotted and cried through my Tshirt and pillow. I read it in 3 hours it was so great. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes a great book with twists and turns at the end. Ugh its such a great book!!!
So If you lost count I have read 6 books since the beginning of May. Its only the second week of June. I seriously love reading, and I clearly have no social life lol.
I have so many tv shows and coffee dates and hopefully trips to the shooting range to do that my head may explode. Of course tomorrow Im babysitting my favorite babygirl Aliyah, but after that I am going to be staying up all night and drinking and watching true blood. Yay I am so happy like a kid getting out of school when you are in elementary school and you eat twinkies and play sega all summer. So cheers to summer!
Thursday, June 07, 2012
Last day of Spain and ball
So I am sorry I forgot to keep adding pictures of our vacation, I just had a lot going on at home and at work. Next week is the last week of school. I have mixed feelings about it. I am so happy to have a break from work finally and be able to start traveling more. But I will severely miss the paycheck every two weeks. So now I have to go back on a budget, lucky for me we have been saving a little money specifically for traveling so thats a nice helper. Alright so on to the fun.
Our last day in Spain: Saturday.
We went to Monkey park!!! We got to hold monkeys in our hands and feed them and love them and I treated them like babies. This one was my best friend and I fed him like 2 bananas just for being my buddy. I should seriously frame this picture.
Then we jumped on a plane and came home and I cried because I realize I miss home so much because everyone in Spain was so lovely and nice and I dont get that feeling here. I feel like the Germans around here have a completely different mindset than everyone else. I feel like I am always on the defensive. Anywho Ive got other fun stuff to talk about besides how much I miss home.
Then we jumped on a plane and came home and I cried because I realize I miss home so much because everyone in Spain was so lovely and nice and I dont get that feeling here. I feel like the Germans around here have a completely different mindset than everyone else. I feel like I am always on the defensive. Anywho Ive got other fun stuff to talk about besides how much I miss home.
Here is another photo from the boat we went on before we left. This was the 4 hour tour that we got to see whales on. I love me some nature.
So it is Army Ball season which means Waz and I cleaned up pretty well for our first official ball. I cant post the pictures on facebook because I dont want all our personal business on such a big network so I will put it here. Anywho, I thought we looked stunning. And also this is our personality all the way.
Monday, May 14, 2012
So I finally got around to sitting and writing about my travels. I am super excited and I had such an amazing trip that I dont even know where to start. So Ill start from the beginning.
Saturday: We jumped on the plane and our flight was amazing. We were so excited to get there that we were giddy like it was our honeymoon again. We got to our hotel and it was gorgeous. It felt so great to feel the heat and hear Spanish again.
Our wonderful hotel and Turtle backpack!
Id like to mention that the sun is still super high in the sky even though it is already 7 pm.
So then we decided to walk around and see what this place was all about. The beach and board walk area was super nice and there were expensive stores everywhere but also hole in the wall tourist gift shops that made me super happy. Then we had a nice late dinner at a steak house
Sangria champagne is the best thing ive ever had ever. Ever. it was so delicious we drank and ate everything.
Sunday (day 2)- We sat on the beach for a ridiculously long time until it was nap time (3pm) and then we went out to dinner after walking the entire coast of Tenerife and found the nastiest gelato ever lol. I thought there was no such thing until I had to throw it in the sand and drink like a gallon of water just to unthink that taste. Boo strawberry gelato place, boo! Wanna guess where we ate dinner? TONY ROMAS!!!!! I had to go literally 6000 miles away to Spain to find Tony Romas which is in Alaska too. The ribs were finger lickin good for sure.
Waz Waz catching a wave, I got the picture before he fell off the board.

I realize i only have two more days to talk about but it is taking forever for the pictures to load and i am so sleepy that I must go to bed. I will upload the next two days photos which are a ton considering the last two days were my favorite. I also have more photos to add from day 6. Enjoy these so far!
Saturday: We jumped on the plane and our flight was amazing. We were so excited to get there that we were giddy like it was our honeymoon again. We got to our hotel and it was gorgeous. It felt so great to feel the heat and hear Spanish again.
Our wonderful hotel and Turtle backpack!
Id like to mention that the sun is still super high in the sky even though it is already 7 pm.
Sangria champagne is the best thing ive ever had ever. Ever. it was so delicious we drank and ate everything.
Plus dessert!
So that was day one
Anywho that was day two
My polka dot bikini
So day three was pretty spectacular. We went BOB diving. Its like have a scuba helmet on your head but your whole body was on like a segway driving on the ocean floor. We got to see fishies and we went about 25 meters down. Sorta cool if you ask me.
Then we wandered around afterwards and took our daily afternoon nap. Oh how I miss the nap.
Day four
We went to Jungle park and got to look at a random zoo in the forest and went down a bob sled and walked across a giant ropes course around the whole park that was like 15 feet above the ground.
Then after we went to the park our friend Matt and Autumn came in from the airport and we got to walk our friends around town and show them why and how much we loved Spain. We went to see a flamenco show that was broadway quality and it was amazing. 3 hours of shaking and tapping feet and a great story line. My mouth was open the whole time because I was either smiling or my jaw had dropped. I was clapping and screaming along and I had a seriously good time. I would show pictures but they wouldnt allow cameras in the theatre.
Day 5
The boys went out for surfing lessons and Wazi had an amazing time.
Waz Waz catching a wave, I got the picture before he fell off the board.
Then we went to what we thought was a comedy club which turned out to be wrong but our cab driver took us where all the people go to have fun and enjoy themselves. He took us to a random strip that had like 6 bars. The first one we went to gave us free drinks and then a free round, then just as we were standing up we got another free round from the bar next door. Of course you cannot say no to free drinks so off we went from there. By the time we walked back to our hotel we were clearly buzzed and giggling and peeing in bushes. (Well I peed in a bush and pretended that no one could see me lol)
Day 6
We went on a boat cruise that was 4 hours to see dolphins, whales, and to go scuba diving and swimming off the back of the boat. I would just like to say that 1) The water is super warm and really salty so i had a hard time sinking. 2) Our scuba instructor was really cool and kept trying to help us find the giant turtle who was super elusive and refused to show herself. It was really fun though. Unfortunately I got seasick and took a nap and got pretty much no pictures of this adventure until Autumn returns tomorrow with her camera. We did meet a really nice english couple who shared in our disgust of the Russian dude who just pulled off his underwear to change into pants without, I donno going to the bathroom. He just pulled his junk out with women and children around. Definitely awkward, but I am glad the other Europeans thought it was weird too lol.
This was before I got seasick |
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
I did it again!
So I stayed awake all night just finishing the Catching Fire book of Hunger Games. I am so happy and excited to be through another book as well as making my way through a few more books. I also read 2 other books this month and that brings the grand total of books read of 10! I am really proud of my accomplishments. I am giving myself a round of applause. Here are the books I read and I think you should too.

Thursday, April 12, 2012
Amsterdam and catch up
I havent been around much mostly because our family laptop crashed so I have had internet withdrawals. Waz went out and bought us a schnazzy desktop so now I am chained to one location in order to drink tea and type. Makes me feel like I actually am doing something important. Anywho work has been going well, I added on a twice weekly watching of a boy with special needs each week so at least without a doubt I will be working for two days every week. Its nice for things to be stable around here. We are gearing up for our trip to Spain in less than three weeks (woohoooo) and I am nothing but excited. We finally bought our swimsuits yesteday and it looks like I am not the only one who will be in a tiny bikini lol. Thats right Wazi has some confidence.
I have also been working away at planning a trip for our unit to Berlin so Ive been busy crunching numbers and pretending like I am a travel advisor. I love this kind of stuff.
Our house has been pretty much running like a well oiled machine. I have been buying the most organic or natural foods I possibly can and our bodies definitely are shoing the results, we are less groggy and I am getting less headaches on top of it. I figured that since I was cleaning my body system and working out all the time that I might as well go natural with my hair too so Ive been growing it out since last fall and it is all kinds of crazy at the moment. I am getting it professionally done tomorrow to see if I like what the stylist can do and then Ill have her do it again a few days before our trip to spain.
Why yes, yes I am Amsterdam.
Clog shoe racing!
One of the multitude of canals on our one really sunny day.
So we went on a multitude of adventures and museums and a dairy farm and saw a windmill and so much adventure in only 5 days. Hopefully the pictures load up enough, I have the rest on my facebook but I took over 100 in just the Valkenburg caves so I dont want to make anyones brain explode. If you notice my partner in crime is absent its because he couldnt get time off from work so I had to go without him. Sad... but that just means I have an excuse to go again and now I know where to take him.
So thats my week in a nutshell, sorta cool.
I have also been working away at planning a trip for our unit to Berlin so Ive been busy crunching numbers and pretending like I am a travel advisor. I love this kind of stuff.
Our house has been pretty much running like a well oiled machine. I have been buying the most organic or natural foods I possibly can and our bodies definitely are shoing the results, we are less groggy and I am getting less headaches on top of it. I figured that since I was cleaning my body system and working out all the time that I might as well go natural with my hair too so Ive been growing it out since last fall and it is all kinds of crazy at the moment. I am getting it professionally done tomorrow to see if I like what the stylist can do and then Ill have her do it again a few days before our trip to spain.
Why yes, yes I am Amsterdam.
Clog shoe racing!
One of the multitude of canals on our one really sunny day.
The entrance to the Valkenburg caves. Yes I am super bundled because it was freezing AND I look as touristy as possible.
So thats my week in a nutshell, sorta cool.
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Update/finished another book
I am still having a hard time, but I am thoroughly enjoying making myself feel better. I leave for Amsterdam on Thursday and I will be there for a few days enjoying myself, and when I get back the school is on spring break so it is a free for all at my house. I plan on reading until the pages catch fire. Oh and we officially joined Faith Baptist Church and are now members. It feels nice to be apart of a church body again. Besides that I have been working hard, today was my first official yell at a kid, send him out of my classroom and then follow it up with detention. I hate being mean, but there is only so much I can take when they are constantly disrupting my class. I made them stand up, apologize to the other person involved, apologize to me, and then they had to apologize to their whole class. Another teacher heard me yelling and assured me I was in the right so I dont feel like I am going to be fired at the moment. I guess I didnt beat him so thats positive lol.
I'll make sure to update with pictures after our trip so you can be jealous of my world travels.
So another book bites the dust. I couldnt put it down and I read like a maniac. This now leads me to 7 or 8 books read this year :) I am so proud of myself for setting a goal and actually following through. I currently have 3-4 books open at all times including my kindle and my vampire book I am too afraid to start since it is the last book it in 8 book serious. I hear they are going to make it into a movie so I suppose that is one more thing I get to critique. Speaking of the movie adaptations, I posted a week or two ago about the Hunger games movie. I do not want to spoil it for anyone, but after finishing the book I am completely confused by the ending of the movie since it isnt the same as the book. I hope they fix it in the second movie, and make it rated R since the book is pretty bloody. Alright thats enough of the commenting on the book.
I'll make sure to update with pictures after our trip so you can be jealous of my world travels.
So another book bites the dust. I couldnt put it down and I read like a maniac. This now leads me to 7 or 8 books read this year :) I am so proud of myself for setting a goal and actually following through. I currently have 3-4 books open at all times including my kindle and my vampire book I am too afraid to start since it is the last book it in 8 book serious. I hear they are going to make it into a movie so I suppose that is one more thing I get to critique. Speaking of the movie adaptations, I posted a week or two ago about the Hunger games movie. I do not want to spoil it for anyone, but after finishing the book I am completely confused by the ending of the movie since it isnt the same as the book. I hope they fix it in the second movie, and make it rated R since the book is pretty bloody. Alright thats enough of the commenting on the book.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
The Hunger Games
I saw the Hunger Games tonight!!! I know I know, I wanted to read the first book first but after getting 6 chapters in I couldnt resist. At least I can now read it without being so scared of the ending. I am quite positive that I can enjoy the book more, knowing good and well that I will cry and feel happy and sad all over that book. Also it helped me to see how the people in the Capital look and sound like.
Friday, March 23, 2012
A week of changes
A lot has been going on in our household this week, and in life in general. Waz is going TDY for about 5 daysish and I am sad I dont get to see him for a few days. Also my position at the middle school as a Resource Aid with my middle schoolers ended today. I am sad and I really enjoyed working with the kids and feeling like I was making even a small difference in the kids who need a little extra helps life. I am still a sub, but now I am pretty much on call for work. It might give me some free time to catch up on everything else in life thats lacking behind like housework, social interaction, doing Jesus/reading time.
I had a hard week, I am sure I will post more about it later. For now though I will leave you with what has gotten me through this month. Its from the Help, " I am smart, I am kind, I am important" and also I would just say I am Mareisa and I am stronger than anything that comes my way. I can do everything I set my mind to and I will get through this. It is so crazy how just forcing myself to go on by changing my thinking actually forced me to continue. Everyday I will get stronger and more able to deal with my emotions, but until I can handle everything I will continue to self encourage. Take some time to encourage another person this week, even if they have a smile on their face their heart might need a hug.
I had a hard week, I am sure I will post more about it later. For now though I will leave you with what has gotten me through this month. Its from the Help, " I am smart, I am kind, I am important" and also I would just say I am Mareisa and I am stronger than anything that comes my way. I can do everything I set my mind to and I will get through this. It is so crazy how just forcing myself to go on by changing my thinking actually forced me to continue. Everyday I will get stronger and more able to deal with my emotions, but until I can handle everything I will continue to self encourage. Take some time to encourage another person this week, even if they have a smile on their face their heart might need a hug.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Our fun weekend, plus I made a stinky meal
So this weekend the Waz and I went up to Cochem castle.
Besides the fact that it was bomb, Waz and I got a tour of the city and got a medieval dinner IN the castle. It was so delicious and fun and I couldnt stop smiling. I love getting a chance to just be married and fun and young in love. Sometimes you just need a day to remember you like being married to your spouse. He is seriously my best friend. Some days I want to choke him, but 99.8% of the time I look at him and think happy thoughts. I am so glad that I found a man who will put me on his back and carry me up that mountain even though I couldve walked it myself. He made everyone jealous and all the ladies made him feel like he was a boss by the time we got up to the castle. He showed out and wanted to prove he was the ultimate husband.
Anywho enough gushing. So dinner was rolls with lard ( it had herbs in it and it was delicious), veggie broth soup, a giant turkey leg, and two mugs of free wine. Ya'll know I loves me some wine. It had to have been like 40% considering after two SMALL glasses I was giggling like a school girl. Anywho we had a blast and Waz got carried out of the room on a bear skin since he ate all his food and some of mine.
Anywho enough gushing. So dinner was rolls with lard ( it had herbs in it and it was delicious), veggie broth soup, a giant turkey leg, and two mugs of free wine. Ya'll know I loves me some wine. It had to have been like 40% considering after two SMALL glasses I was giggling like a school girl. Anywho we had a blast and Waz got carried out of the room on a bear skin since he ate all his food and some of mine.
I love traveling and vacationing and I especially love doing it with my hubs. He is sorta the only person who likes to travel as much as I do, as long as it isnt for work.
Food I destroyed this week.
It was supposed to be stuffed bell peppers with ground beef (or turkey in our case) with corn, vermicelli rice, onions, and other peppers cut up. I followed the recipe exactly and it still tasted horrible. I think had I precooked the rice it 1) wouldnt have been crunchy and 2) all the liquid from the green peppers being cooked might have actually absorbed into the food instead of seperating (picture two). So this was a big fat stinker. But since I am cheap and I do not like to waste food I made it better!
When you've got a whole mess of nasty, make nachos!!! I just took the veggies and ground meat threw it in a pan to cook longer and made nachos covered in moozzarella and pepperjack cheese. Yummies. Then we popped in the Muppet show and a good time was had by all.
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